- Roland Alexander played Alonzo, Rumpus cat and Tumblebrutus?
- Brian Blessed played Deuteronomy and Bustopher?
- John Thornton played both Mungojerrie and Macavity?
- Macavity's costume wasn't a complete body suit? It was a long sleve shirt with long leg warmers and a mask
painted to look like him so Mungojerrie wouldn't have to ruin his make up.
- Paul Nicholas wasn't a dancer?
- Judi Dench (the Original Griz) fell off the stage and broke her ankle so then Elaine Paige was sent to re-place
- When Elain Paige first heard the melody of Memory, she said, "I Have to play that part!"
- There was a Grumbskin?
- Jeff Shankley Played Munkustrap and Grumbskin? So that means he looks just like Munkustrap.
- Donald Waugh played Coricopat and Gilbert?
- Memory's original name was Rhapsody on a Windy night?
- Anderw left one poem out of the musical? It was called 'Cat Morgan introduces himself.'
- Gillian had never seen the Old Possums book before Andrew had shown her it when they first met?
- When CATS was playing Andrew and Cameron were still collecting money for CATS?
- in the middle of act one of CATS @ a charity preformance, a man stood up and yelled, "Rubbish!" It just so
happened he was drunk and thought he was being clever about it because they were in a 'rubbish dump' set
- they didn't have the characters Etcetra, Electra, Plato, Admetous, Pouncival, Bill Bailey and Ghengis?
- Sarah Brightmen played Jemima?
- Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer looked similar to Tiger's in there song outfits?
- Grizabella's costume looks almost the same as the video's one?
- Skimbles's Train was 20' feet long?!
- the first prefromance was in the New London theatre May.11, 1981?